Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Hey there! See that pony up there? That's me!

I'm Ice Gaze and I'm a 20 year old MLP singer and voice actress!

In real life, I also enjoy singing, acting/performing, song writing, story writing, and constantly wearing tutus and ball gowns. Lol, I'm such a child. Anyway, you can follow my adventures and listen to my music on youtube and the other links, but I wanted to create this blog so you can all get to know the real me! ;)


  1. I'm glad you've decided to make a Blog about the true you. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us REAL followers.
    TBH, you've been an inspiration for me.
    Cheers all the way from Ecuador!

  2. Whelp,im embarrassed,you're 15 and IM 12,im just too embarrassed
