Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! 

Today is mainly a girls day/night out with all my single ladies! XD Although, I did receive two very thoughtful gifts from Wes(even though we're not a thing anymore)all the way from Sweden! My first gift arrived yesterday, and he told me this present would be "frozen when I got it". And he wasn't joking, because when I opened up the box, there was a pair of headphones with Anna and Elsa on the side XD. My second gift came today, and I just couldn't even contain my excitement. He sent me vegan chocolate covered strawberries, which I didn't even know existed! He wrote on the card "These desserts were not the easiest to find, but I heard you say, during a livestream, 'If someone gave me a bouquet of strawberries, they would have my heart forever'. And even though we're no more, I'd still like to be worthy of you're heart." Seriously, I don't think I'll ever find another guy in the world like Wes. >_<

Anyway, I was planning to do a livestream today, but I decided to move it to tomorrow, so be on a look out for that. ;) So, in an hour my friends and I are going to the mall to see "The Boy" which I'm soooooooo excited for! I saw the trailer for it when I saw "The Forest" for my birthday and I as just like, I HAVE to see that! XD After that, we're going to browse around the mall and problem ride around on those little fuzzy animals on wheels #ChildrenAtHeart. Later, we're going to one of my favorite vegan restaurants, Loving Hut! I literally cannot explain how good their food is! 

After dinner and such, we're heading off to our state theatre where every year on the week of Valentine's Day, we do a fairytale/Disney show for couples, kids and adults alike. This year, we're doing Cinderella where I will be playing the role of Cinderella, herself! XD So, in a way I kinda got one of my dream roles! I wanted to be Cinderella in Into the Woods, and ending up playing her in Cinderella! Honestly, I was hoping to be one of the mice so I can do it in my Rat-a-Loo voice, but they said I was too tall to be a mouse lol.

Finally, after a long day when it's like ten at night, we're going for a ladies night out to the spa and then for a sleepover at Jeanette's house! 

I really hope you all have a great Valentine's day and don't be afraid to be single! Be proud! 

1 comment:

  1. Ice Gaze, after reading your blog for the past few weeks, I've noticed your luckier than I am when it comes to dealing with "depression". You've at least got friends to help you weather out your bitter feelings. Me on the other hand, I've got to constantly withhold my emotions. I've tried to explain how I feel to my parents; but as usual, they just start yelling or ignoring me.
    I hope you have a FANTASTIC day today.
    Happy Valentines Day...(all the way from Ecuador!)
