Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Brand New Start

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted something really sincere with alot of meaning, and when ever I do, they're always depressing. Well, I want to change that. I wanna change the way I see myself and be the girl who people look to as a ray of sunshine in their life. Alot of you here on the web may see me that way, but in real life, trust me, I'm a dark, snow cloud. Hence where the name Ice Gaze came from ;/ Well anyway, I wanna forget about all the bad things in my past and finally be comfortable in my skin. I wanna finally be able to breath and not be afraid of the world around me. I love everyone around me, no matter who they are or what they've done, and I wanna love myself just the same. I wanna start over and new, so I've deleted The Other Side of Me video and all the depressing posts here on G+. And if you haven't noticed already, I've started posting Quotes of the Day, because they not only help me feel better, but I wanna make you guys feel better about yourselves as well. All my life, I've focused on bullies, hatred, lies, gossip, depression, suicide, etc. Well, I don't wanna live my life like that. I wanna focus on peace, love, joy, friendship, and happiness. Even if there are no friends of mine in a class, I wanna believe that they're waiting for me next period or when ever we see each other again. Instead of cowering in the corner, thinking everyone else is looking at me thinking, "Wow, look at her. She's so ugly and pathetic. She doesn't have any friends". Which is how I thought people irl viewed me for a long time. But now i realize it's all just been in my head. Sure, there have been devestating moments in my life and complete jerks who make me want to die, but I've allowed myself to take the smallest situations and twist the words of any person into saying something way worse than they did. For example, "I'm so disappointed in you" turns into, "You're so useless! You're a failure! Why do I even try with you?!" Well, I don't wanna be so hard on myself, and I wanna change my image just a little bit to where I'm comfortable in my skin, and I can finally breathe for the first time in many years... :)

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