Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Busy Busy Bee (buzz buzz)


Hi my beautiful little ice pops! First off, Happy Pride month! I know it’s like…almost over, but I never fully said it besides in my Lyra and Bon Bon comic! But I just wanted to say how much I love this community and how proud I am to be an ally! You are all such amazing people and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise or who you can/cannot be with or love!

But anyway, I’m leaving for a cruise very soon and I just realized how much I need to get done before I go! If you don’t know, I’m taking a summer class (no, I didn’t fail, it’s a class required for my minor but I couldn’t fit it in my schedule for next semester) and my second unit is due this Friday and I still have 2 assignments to get done. Which normally would be fine except I have a job in which I work Monday-Thursday and don’t get home til around 7-8 pm. Then of course I need to eat dinner and shower and by the time that’s done it’s nearly bedtime. And I just found out that Unit 3 is due the day after we get back from the cruise so I basically need to get that entire unit done before I go on the cruise. Not to mention we have a project due on the same day unit 3 is due! So I need to complete an entire unit and project all within a short amount of time PLUS find time to actually do it with work and all.

Oh but I’m not done! I have two voice over projects due this Sunday which I haven’t started yet. One of them is a song that I’ve barely listened to so I need to find time to learn and record that. PLUS I’m returning to my vlog channel and have two videos to edit (I uploaded an update video, go check it out!) and I would like to get at least one out before the cruise but I don’t know when I’m going to work on those because obviously sChOoL CoMeS fIrSt. And I would love love LOVE to do a cover of Shine Like Rainbows for the end of Pride Month, but now that I’m actually writing all this stuff down I’m not sure that’s going to happen. But we’ll see!

As you can see I’m a very busy little ice block, but just wanted to let you guys know in case I become inactive for a little bit! I’ll always be active on SOME platform!

Thank you guys so much for reading (and listening to me vent lol) <3

Stay tuned for all I have coming! xoxo

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