Thursday, June 9, 2022

Summer of Books & Songs

 1693088 - alicorn, artist:agrol, book, candle, cute, female, mare, night,  pony, reading, safe, s… | Twilight sparkle, My little pony twilight, My  little pony comic

Hi ice pops!

So recently I got a job that pays good money and it's honestly a bit stressful sometimes. But the good thing is, I have a LOT of downtime. The only issue with that gives me a lot of time to think. And while it does give me time to think creatively (hell I'm writing this post at work) it also allows for my intrusive thoughts to come play. I'm constantly reminded of my toxic friend and things she said or did. I'll be dialing the phone to call someone and an argument will be playing in my head. WHILE SIMPLY DIALING THE PHONE. I even froze up while talking on the phone because I was so distracted by my thoughts.

However, all this down time has also given me a lot of time to do one thing. Reading. Now I'm not the biggest reader in the world. It used to take me months to finish a book. Except in the 7th grade when Twilight Sparkle was like my IDOL and I probably read like 30 books in one summer. But with all my college work, freelance work and social media work, I haven't had anytime. But now because of work I have more than enough time. And when I read, I feel calm and content. I'm not thinking about past arguments or confrontations or feeling angry. I'm distracted. Even when I was in isolation I finished one of my books because I had a lot of time, and reading distracted me from my intrusive thoughts. And yesterday, I was only 20 pages into my book and I left work with it being finished! Like I mentioned, I've been obsessed with the Girl Online series by Zoe Sugg and I was trying to pace myself because I didn't want it to be over. But I was enjoying it so much I just couldn't put it down. I've officially finished all 3 books and I'm really sad it's over, but maybe I'll review them for you!

I may review them on my new blog! That's right! I have another blog! I want that one to be more authentic and raw and pretty much anonymous so I won't be posting the domain publicly here. However, if you are interested, feel free to private message me on any of my social media accounts!

Something else I've been working on lately (I know I'm doing a lot lol) is I think I'm going to write an album about my toxic friendship. I have one song written so far and I would love to write more as a healthy way of releasing my anger and getting my feelings out. As of now, I'm calling the album Red Flags, but that could change in the near future. Or I may just only release the one song I have and leave it there, I haven't decided. But I would really love to get back into song writing and put my creativity into creating this album. I really feel I would benefit mentally and creatively from it. It's really been a while since I wrote lyrics and after writing my first song I forgot how much I love doing it. And I figured since I have a lot of feelings and intrusive thoughts, what better way to let them out than through songs!

That's about it for this post my pops! Thanks for reading! <3

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