Wednesday, January 1, 2020

It's the Roaring Twenties!

Image result for great gatsby

Hello everypony! Wow, it has been a hot second since I've actually done anything on this blog! But I'm here and alive! And I can't believe we're in the 20's! To me, that's absolutely crazy and on the 16th I'm going to be celebrating my 19th birthday which to me is even crazier! Like I'm almost 20! I'm almost at the legal drinking age xD

Needless to say, I've come such a long way and YouTube has been such a big part of it all! I was watching some of my very first videos and reading my first blog entry when I as 15 and I'm like "wow, I changed so much". I don't know if it's for the better or for the worse, but I'm slowly gaining more confidence and self love everyday and I hope you are too!

So cheers to 2020!

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